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What to Do When Discord’s ‘Channel Verification Level Is Too High’? | InfoBytes Daily
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What to Do When Discord’s ‘Channel Verification Level Is Too High’?

What to Do When Discord’s ‘Channel Verification Level Is Too High’
Image Courtesy: Unsplash

Discord brings online communities together to interact and engage in gaming and other forums, also known as channels. However, people usually counter Discord’s ‘channel verification level too high’ issue. 

In this blog, we will highlight a few simple steps for resolving the ‘Channel verification level is too high’ error to ease the problem. 

Why ‘Channel verification level is too high’ error pops up? 

There can be several possible reasons for seeing this error, but the most common one can be an incorrect admin setting in the Discord channel. Other reasons include 

  • Discord is down. 
  • Outdated Discord app 

How to fix the error?

As mentioned above, one of the most common reasons for error in Discord can be incorrect settings in the app. But, if the first guide may not fix the issue, move on to other fixes.  

Follow a few steps such as: 

Disable ‘Membership screening’ 

Membership screening is a server option via which admins set up a series of rules that should be explicitly agreed upon before members can talk, react, or DM other channel members. Thus, new members are first screened and only allowed to join once the requirements are met. 

To disable the membership screening option and eliminate the ‘channel verification level is too high’ error, follow the steps below.  

  • Go to the server settings. 
  • Select Membership Screening. 
  • Select the disabled button. 

Restart the application 

Restarting the app, device, and networking equipment might help. Usually restarting devices can fix a bunch of seemingly random glitches, including messages not loading properly.  

Check for any outages  

Also, check for any outages on Discord servers. The server might be down in your region, this will either redirect you to another server or will not connect to the application. Either way, the “awaiting endpoint” error will flash, use Down Detector for checking the server status.  

Discord has automated the server selection process, meaning users can’t manually select the servers. In this case, the best you can do is sit tight until Discord returns online. 

Update Discord 

Update the app, the issue might have already been fixed which you need to install. Once the Discord app is launched, press Ctrl + R. This will restart the app, download pending updates, and probably fix the ‘channel verification level is too high issue. 

Reinstall the app 

If nothing else works, the best bet is to uninstall the app and reinstall it to see if that fixes the glitch. Sometimes reinstalling the app can eliminate corrupt files or settings that might hamper Discord’s functionality.

About the author

Neha Verma

Neha Verma is a content writer who has 5+ years of experience in writing content in different domains and industries. She has been working with B2B & B2C industries and has created content for presentations, the training worked on web content, and copy content. She specializes in blogging, email marketing, and digital marketing content. Currently, she lives in India.